Bible Reading: Mark 4:26-34
Dear Friends,
Jesus provides specific parables by which to imagine the nature of and truths about the kingdom of God. At the
same time, Jesus’ penchant for parables seems to suggest that speaking in parables, searching for parables
as a means by which to make sense of things, is a way to be in the world, to operate in the world. Parables don’t only
offer us a lens through which to view certain concepts of faith or a means toward glimpsing God’s activity in the
world. The presence of parables points to a more basic reality of life which we don’t often consider — that there are
aspects about our lives, God included, that only make sense in parables. We might even say parables are
necessary for making sense of life.
Friends there are some things in life that necessitate parabolic speech because there is just no other way to
get at them. Of course, it’s important to remember that simply telling parables may not get you very far. We only
need read Jesus’ cryptic words about teaching in parables to determine that telling them does not
necessarily secure any answers. In fact, they may make matters worse. The problem is, we tend to tame parables
with our endless attempts at allegory. Of course, Jesus invites such allegorical invitations when on several
occasions he sets out to identify each element or character in the parables for his disciples. And we like it
when Jesus does that a lot. The bottom line is, then and now, Jesus’ disciples tend to be great fans of explanation.
We lack a certain amount of patience when it comes to letting parables work.
Yet parables are not linear interpretive exercises. A parable is something that is thrown alongside. When you place
something alongside something else you have just made problematic a meeting of the two. Think of something as
simple as parallel lines. They will never meet. Likewise the parables and that which we put alongside them may never
meet either, as hard as we try. Rather, there is a constant alignment that forces you to go back and forth between the
two. As a result, interpretation lies in a mutual, reciprocal, even circular motion and not in a one-to-one, end result
expectation. This means not only will you see the kingdom God differently, you may also see the parable differently.
And if neither will ever meet along their parallel journey there may be no end to what you see.
No wonder the disciples found this pattern of speech rather unsettling. No wonder Jesus told parables. His entry in
the world as the kingdom of God was meant to be unsettling. Yes, Jesus tells parables so that we might get
glimpses into the meaning of the kingdom of God because of his presence in the world. But Jesus also tells parables to
suggest that what is revealed about the kingdom of God will upend the parable we thought was just a simple little story. It seems speaking in parables is a theological necessity. What is cast alongside these parables of life is perhaps not
meant to be understood, yet this tends to be our starting point. Analogical moves elicit certainties. But to walk
alongside the kingdom of God means that sometimes we will be able to catch glimpses of its meaning and
sometimes we won’t. Jesus tells parables not for explanation but for exploration. Not for answers but so as to engage the imagination. Not for certainties about faith but for discoveries about how faith works. In this regard, Jesus asks us to talk in parables, too. Because something happens in telling parables that cannot occur in just listening to them.