Sea Point Methodist Women’s Auxiliary celebrates 100 years of faithful ministry
Sea Point Methodist Women’s Auxiliary celebrates 100 years of faithful ministry

Sea Point Methodist Women’s Auxiliary celebrates 100 years of faithful ministry

Dear Friends

Throughout the Bible, the Lord reminds people to tell all generations of their LORD’S wonderful works. Part of what that means for us as church is that we must preserve the memory of how God has worked in our lives. A church that has a strong sense of its history will have a better sense of identity to build on for the future. Today our congregation takes a look back to rediscover how our ladies came into being, what their early ministry was like, and how it has grown and changed over the years.

It is with great joy and pride that we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the blessing and opening of the original WA. I am convinced that ALL the ladies who have served God here at this Church over these past one hundred years and who have preceded us through the door of death into Eternity, are rejoicing and celebrating with us in the ‘Communion of the Saints”.

So much has happened over these hundred years and there has been so much growth and development – far beyond what those early ‘pioneers’ could have thought of or even imagined. But they did have VISION and, by the Grace of God and the mysterious workings of Divine Providence, we are enjoying the fruits of their labours. For this we are eternally grateful and give heart-felt THANKS to God.

In a very special way, I want to pay tribute to the first ladies for the secure foundations they laid that enabled those who have succeeded them in the Pastoral Care, to move forward with confidence and to bring the Auxiliary to where it is today.

It is with great trust in God we embark on our journey into the future. The tasks and the challenges that lie ahead are indeed great. But if we are feeling uncertain, let us call to mind these words from St. Luke’s Gospel: “Jesus said to Peter ‘Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch’” and later on Jesus again said to Simon Peter “‘Do not be afraid!’” Yes, like Peter we too must not be afraid because the Lord is always with us.

My hope and prayer is that through this centenary celebration, it will be a wonderful time and opportunity for us to benefit from the gifts of the people who came before us. And that it will be an occasion for us church members of all ages to tell and hear stories of the past and present day.


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