Bible Reading: John 15:26-27; 16:4-15
Dear Friends,
We are in the season of Pentecost story. The disciples are gathered in the Upper Room (or at least in some room), waiting for the consummation of Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit, when the earth shakes, the wind blows, tongues of fire descend, and they are emboldened to preach the Gospel first in Jerusalem and eventually to the ends of the earth. In other words, a dramatic event which transforms the disciples, solves their problems, and delivers a happy ending.
Which is, of course, just what we get wrong. A happy ending? Given that all the disciples go on to face struggle and persecution and the overwhelming majority eventually endure martyrdom, “happy ending” doesn’t quite cut it. And as for solving their problems, it seems more that the Holy Spirit causes more problems than it solves. I mean, had they not been commissioned and equipped to go share the good news, they could have savored the truth of the resurrection for themselves, cherishing the pleasant memory of Jesus’ resurrected presence into their ripe old age. Instead, they are thrown out into the crowds many of whom witnessed, if not participated in, the crucifixion of Jesus to bear witness to a difficult truth. Yes, they preach and thousands respond, but never without cost.
And why should we expect anything different? Why, that is, should we expect the Holy Spirit to bring anything more than challenges and opportunities that, while significant and salutary, are nevertheless costly. The Spirit doesn’t solve our problems, but invites us to see possibilities we would not have seen otherwise. Rather than remove our fear, the Spirit grants us courage to move forward. Rather than promise safety, the Spirit promises God’s presence. Rather than remove us from a turbulent world, or even settle the turbulence, the Spirit enables us to keep our footing amid the tremors. Keep in mind that after the Spirit is given to Jesus at his Baptism, it immediately drives him into the wilderness. The same Spirit!
However don’t we all at least yearn for something simpler, something a little more settled or reliable. And so we work and plan and pray and strive, not to avoid challenges, but rather to overcome them, hoping that when we’ve addressed the major challenges in front of us whether personal or professional or congregational or whatever then we will encounter some smooth sailing. But that doesn’t seem to be how the Spirit works.
Friends in this life and world, when you solve one problem, there is always another one waiting for you. It’s like mountains beyond mountain isn’t it. The good news friends is that the Holy Spirit continues to help us see possibilities where others see only problems and grants us the strength and energy to climb the mountains beyond that mounts with equal measures of confidence and joy and to the benefit of those around us.