Sea Point Methodist Church


As part of our calling to offer Christ’s love, we are committed to loving our neighbours through compassionate service. Three primary opportunities have come our way, and as a fourth, in a smaller capacity, we have been able to serve the people of the Namaqualand Methodist Mission. and we have found great joy in being able to serve the people God’s loves in these ways:

  1. Intytyambo Community Project
  2. Sea Point Methodist Day Care
  3. Stop Hunger Now
  4. Namaqualand Mission Trip



Rising up out of the shacks in Khayelitsha Site B is a beautiful double story building which houses the Intyatyambo Community Project. This project was initiated by Nomawethu Tunce and Lindiwe Mfeketho, but when Jules Curtis, a member of Sea Point Methodist Church, went out to visit, a whole new dream was birthed.

ico03From its humble beginnings in a backyard Intyatambo grew to fill three shipping containers. But, thanks to the efforts of Jules, who is a formidable fund raiser, and to the management team who oversaw the building, this project has now become a safe haven for children in Khayelitsha.

Today, the project serves 100 children of the community, and employs 7 staff. The management team is made up of a blend of members from Sea Point Methodist Church and the staff from the centre.

20141001_115803The ICP Management Team

Now that we have our very own ‘board room’ at ICP, we can hold our management team meetings there! The back row is the Management Team: Debbie (Chair) , David ( Finance) Lindiwe (Headmistress) and Susan (Fundraiser), and the front row are the teachers: Phumzo, Nontuthuko and Nomawethu. (Missing from this photo of the management team are: Colin Doyle (who helps Lindi keep all the fees and invoicing etc under control) Bonita Davids ( our accountant) and Thomas Le Grange, our builder.)

The ICP Garden


2014-09-30-450Stellenbosch Botanical Gardens have made a dream garden for us at the project. Here is Lindiwe with two of the volunteers!! Thanks so much to all who made this dream a possibility!!

Should you like to contribute to ongoing work at Intyatambo please contact the Sea Point Methodist Church office.

For more information, check out the Intyatambo Community Project website or Facebook Page.

Here is what the newspapers had to say about Intytyambo Community Project:





photo 2In 2013, Babalwa Yekho, one of the members of our Xhosa congregation brought a proposal to the leaders regarding the establishment of a creche on the premises of our church.  Sadly, because of the high cost of day care in the area, many domestic workers have to leave their own children in less than safe places while they spend their days looking after the children of their employers.

photo 1And so, Sea Point Methodist Day Care was birthed. Over the last two years, the creche has undergone a process of registration with the Department of Social Development, and is now well on the way to full registration. It caters for 15 children, and employs 2 staff. More importantly, however, these children are starting off their lives with a solid foundation in faith. The need is greater than we can possibly meet, but for the children whom we are able to help, Sea Point Methodist Day Care is gift of grace.

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img-20120218-00040-2Too many people in South Africa go to school, or go to bed, hungry. That is why several times a year Sea Point Methodist Church hosts Stop Hunger Now packing days where we pack up to 10 000 meals at a time. The meals are highly nutritious, consisting of soya mince, rice, lentils, vitamins, and flavouring. We store these meals on the premises and deliver them monthly to a number of projects:

Intyatyambo Community Project
Sea Point Methodist Day Care
Salt River Methodist Church Soup Kitchen
and our own Loaves and Fishes project, which supports members of our own congregation who are in need.


20140619_13402520140619_134201What a joy it was the day that Gaynor, David and Debbie drove off with a 4×4 loaded with goodies for Namaqualand. Inspired by the work of the creches in areas of dire need, Sea Point Methodist Women’s Auxiliary, together with a number of other WA groups from the District, gathered together enough brand new beanies, jerseys, and gumboots for each of the 150 children in the six creches, as well as 190 new children’s story books, and a number of home made educational games to be distributed amongst these remarkable schools.
